30 Inspiring Insights into Innovation

Gijs van Wulfen

Yes, Innovation is extremely difficult. You are not the only one who thinks it’s a real challenge. It has been a struggle for me the last 30 years as manager, consultant, facilitator and as founder of the FORTH innovation method. That’s why I love it actually. Because I love to do difficult things. My personal goal is to make innovation less complex so others will be able to innovate their product – and service portfolios and organizations – themselves.

As one of the first Linkedin Influencers I have written 138 posts about innovation the last 30 months. I reread them to identify my most essential statements. Some are provoking. Others are simplifying. Being Dutch makes me kind of outspoken and bold.  Here’s a list of quotes from my LinkedIn innovation articles. Please use them to discuss innovation with your colleagues and clients and to lead your organizations in innovation:

  1. In the long run a company cannot survive on doing the same things better and cheaper.
  2. Most managers behave like dogs. They bark at what they don’t know.
  3. Managers say yes to innovation only if doing nothing is a bigger risk.
  4. Innovation moves forward in every sector whether your company moves with it or not!
  5. Continuous innovation is bullshit. You only innovate when you have to.
  6. Organizations frustrate innovative employees.
  7. Starting innovation is like a child starting to walk. Learn to love the struggle!
  8. If there’s no urgency innovation is considered as playtime.
  9. Most people only innovate when they have to. Pick the right moment.
  10. Innovators need the patience of a hunter to wait for a shot that you’re sure you can make.
  11. Never start innovation with an idea. You will fall in love with it. But love is blind.
  12. A big idea is a new simple solution for a relevant problem or dream.
  13. The best innovators are need seekers.
  14. The problem of brainstorms is the inability of people to let go of the old ideas.
  15. If you don’t get new insights you won’t get new ideas.
  16. For most companies evolutionary ideas are quite revolutionary.
  17. You can invent on your own, but in an organization you can never innovate alone!
  18. The most important role of an effective innovator is to reduce uncertainty, moving from idea to launch as most people involved, co-workers, managers or investors are risk averse.
  19. Think outside the box and present your idea inside the box otherwise nothing will happen.
  20. Innovators should bring back new business not new ideas.
  21. Nobody buys innovation from a clown so bring back a new business case.
  22. The voice of the customer is your best support for a new concept.
  23. Innovators should stop writing plans. Innovation is learning by doing.
  24. Innovation does not stop at the first “No”. That’s the moment it really starts.
  25. It’s not how innovative you are. It’s how you are innovative!
  26. Less creative ideas are better because they have a higher chance of becoming reality.
  27. An organization is just like a herd. Focus on the slowest animals. When they start running too your organization really gets innovative.
  28. People prefer evolutionary innovations over revolutionary innovations because they can be implemented faster with less perceived risk and less resources needed.
  29. Operational Excellence brings you the profits of today. Innovation excellence will bring you the profits of tomorrow.
  30. To innovate is a verb. Stop talking. Start doing.

I hope some of them are helpful to you. Wishing you lots of success on your innovation journey.

7 Things Successful Innovators Never Accept

Gijs van Wulfen

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. This wonderful quote of Leon C. Megginson is still so relevant in this fast changing world. That’s why it’s important for you to be an innovator at work. Developing and launching innovative ideas, concepts, prototypes and business models is essential for the continuity of your firm.

What makes innovation difficult is that a lot of people have to change their convictions and habits before something really new will be deployed. You can invent alone, but you can only innovate teaming up with others in your organization.

The single biggest obstacle at the start of innovation in one word is: no. Successful innovators never accept the following seven no’s.

  1. No, we have done it always this way… Well, our world changes fast. When the rate of change outside is more than what is inside, we can be sure we will have a problem soon. That’s why it’s time to think different now: join me.
  2. No, our customers won’t like that…! Are you sure? Let’s go out there and ask what they think of the new concepts we’ve ideated and organize customer focus groups or test our ideas online.
  3. No, it’s not possible… Well as Dan Brown said: “Everything is possible. The impossible just takes longer.”
  4. No, that’s not logical… Of course it isn’t. If it would be logical and fit our present processes it would not be innovative. LIke Einstein said: “If at first the idea is not absurd, then there will be no hope for it.”
  5. No, there’s no budget… So what! We’ll ‘go underground’ and proceed anyway, using the budget and resources of another project. It’s easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission. [Grace Hopper].
  6. No, management won’t agree… Managers say yes to innovation only if doing nothing is a bigger risk [Gijs van Wulfen]. Pick the right moment.
  7. No, that’s way to risky… You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. [Andre Gide]. Innovation creates uncertainty. Reduce uncertainty with doing pilot projects or independent start-ups.

You should be prepared for ‘the firing squad’ every innovator will meet on his/her way. In my early days in big corporate cultures I felt the resistance of others as a personal attack on my attempt to move the company really forward. I got too excited, too emotional, too upset and at the end of the day I was very disappointed in my company, my colleagues and myself. Then, when rationality came back, I stood up again and made a second attempt. Successful innovators know how to get internal support for innovative ideas, concepts, prototypes and business models. Otherwise nothing happens.

Innovation does not stop at the first ‘No’. That’s the moment it really starts!

Wishing you lots of success on your innovation expeditions.


Gijs van Wulfen is a professional innovation speaker and great storyteller. Watch four movies where you see Gijs ‘live on stage’, here.

photo credits: Flickr/Frits Ahlefeldt-Laurvig; under creative commons.

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